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United States
DateJune 3rd, 2020
Reading time2mins

H+K introduces new Virtual Events offer

June 3, 2020, LONDON: Hill+Knowlton Strategies (H+K) today introduces a new Virtual Events offer, an integrated full-service package for digital events.  

With people traveling less and new technologies accelerated by COVID-19, brands are having to find new ways to connect with their audiences. Recognizing that the ripple effect of these changes will impact how we interact and communicate for a long time to come, H+K developed this new offer to help clients adapt and respond.  

Working with its inhouse Studio, as well as third party platforms, the Virtual Events offer includes podcasts, webinars, online product launches, press conferences, and longer form events and symposia. 

H+K has the expertise and experience to across these mediums, covering everything from project management and content production, to PR and bookings, to design, concept and execution.    

The launch follow’s H+K’s recent development of its COVID-19 Intelligence + Advisory Communications Team (I-ACT), designed to mitigate risk, build reputation and accelerate growth in the wake of COVID-19. I-ACT provides clients with the intelligence and integrated communication services necessary to navigate the new business operating environment. It is supported by a suite of Plan ForwardTM products and services, customized to the current and anticipated scenarios brought about by COVID-19.  

In addition to Virtual Events, Plan ForwardTM covers everything from political and public affairs, to issues and crisis, to employee communications, building on H+K’s depth and breadth of expertise. Each of these services can be applied individually or together for clients, and locally adapted to ensure they are tailored to businesses’ changing environment.