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United States

Étude de cas


Living Proof. Science Will Win.

  • SecteurHealth & Wellness
  • BureauUnited States

Pfizer needed to build trust in science and evolve their “Science Will Win” campaign to be more patient focused.

We believed that if we could bring to life the human stories made possible by science, we could show how it is already winning and can continue to do so – the living proof. Through these stories, we also explored and contextualized some of the issues within health equity and look deeper into the factors that really drive disparities in access to treatment and care.

The outcome was three beautiful documentaries that told the stories of real lives touched by science, as well as a USA Today partnership that explored health inequity and why being an advocate for your own health is so important.

We achieved 218k+ total video impressions on, 12k video views and 276k owned social impressions.

Services et secteurs connexes

Health & Wellness

We know the healthcare revolution is only transformational if it reaches everyone. United with the world’s leading brands, we leverage the power of communications to inform, engage and build trust for healthcare solutions across the world.
