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United States

Étude de cas

United Nations

Engaging the media and global youth through digital communications at LDC5

  • SecteurGovernment, Public Sector & Non-Profit
  • BureauUnited States

Hill & Knowlton led a promotional campaign for the United Nations' conference, which aims to eradicate poverty and achieve sustainable development in the least developed countries (LDCs). The conference addressed key topics such as climate change, economic development, gender equality, and education, and provide a platform for policymakers, experts, and stakeholders to share knowledge, best practices, and solutions to the challenges faced by LDCs. The campaign aimed to engage media stakeholders and a global youth audience through Twitter, Instagram and Facebook, encouraging activism for change from local constituents and legislators.

To reach the target audience, H&K used various social media channels such as Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, and LinkedIn. The videos used in the campaign were visually stimulating and emotionally compelling, capturing the viewer's attention, keeping them engaged, and eliciting strong reactions. The KPIs were Reach and Follower growth.

This campaign achieved over 3 million impressions, 94 thousand video views, a 3.7% engagement rate (3x greater than the global benchmark), and a resulting Instagram follower growth of 61%.

Services et secteurs connexes

Government, Public Sector & Non-Profit

In an increasingly complex and fast changing geopolitical context, we activate global knowledge and local intel to connect governments and non-profits with their publics to inspire action, shape policy, and drive change.
